Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My coaster!

Life is funny the way it mimics a roller-coaster. It really does go up and down, sometimes fast, sometimes faster, and doesn't make a difference whether its going up or down. One thing is for sure though.. regardless of how many times you want to ride, it will always come to a screeching halt. Sometimes its stops for good things while other times it will stop for terrible things. But the instant that it stops, the countdown begins to the next time it takes off, and it doesn't always wait or take into consideration things that may alter your decision in getting back on right away. 

But we always get back on. Sometimes we get back on with a smile, or while laughing, or sometimes we may get back on full of anger and hate or fear. But we always get back on.

Every time the coaster stops it gives a chance for some people to get off and let others on. Some people are put into your life temporarily for one reason or another. It could be to help you through a hurdle, teach you a lesson, etc.. You won't realize it until it's already happened and you can't change it. you can't stop it. It is what it is. (i hate that saying, although i use it a lot!) 

The only time you have control is from the time it stops until it begins again. The way you react to your last ride can sometimes determine how the next one will go. You CAN control your next ride. YOU control your reactions. if you have faith in yourself, your next ride can always be pleasant. It may not go how you want it, it may not include everyone you want it to, it may not end in the best way, but the thing that you can count on is that it will start again and you can make every ride better than the last.

“I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”
Marilyn Monroe