Monday, November 19, 2012

Oh, you thought that hurt me?

sometimes things happen so unexpectedly that when you look back on it, it almost feels as if it were a dream.. or in some cases, a nightmare!

but sometimes those nightmares are really blessings in disguise! and recently, i can say that i am thankful for some of the nightmares that have occurred recently!!

in other news:

For future references, let me give you a few phrases that A) don't hurt me B) show immaturity & C) can make for a wonderful laugh later!

-oh, so you thought you hurt me when ______ ? 

*you called me fat: go ahead and use your big words to hurt me with this one because no amount of your words can tell me what i already know. Not to mention, none of your existence will ever know what it is like to live with the disorder i live with that causes this. But for future references, i have lost 26lbs in 2 months and i am happier than i have been in 3 or 4 years.. and a lot tougher.. so go ahead and refer to my weight.. doesn't bother me!

*you called me a bitch: yeah, and..? most everyone is. but if this is the most hurtful term you can come up with, congratulations.. you succeded in not hurting my feelings as well.

*you told me i'm worthless: most of the time these are just fighting words for people who have nothing better to say! i may be worthless to you, but that is your loss, not mine. also, what does that show for you? if i'm so worthless then why are you/have you been wasting your precious time?

*oh, so you thought having someone else join in a discussion and cuss me out and deliver unnecessary low blows to hurt my feelings?: this one gets me every time! first off, if you can't handle having a discussion all on your own, then we probably shouldn't be associated with each other as it is as i only like to have argumentative discussions with adults. secondly, getting someone to your dirty work is so childish that from that point on, the rest of your argument is null and void as i no longer can take you seriously.

*you are actively trying to start rumors: ha! this one wins the gold! :) first of all, when you have to go out of your way, contact someone you supposedly cannot stand, and have a general conversation with them just to start rumors about someone else... should i even need to explain why this doesn't hurt my feelings?! lmao! if days later you go to someone so random and try to tell them that I (or anyone) has been talking trash about them.. out of the blue.. you seriously tickle my pickle! are you THAT bored with your life that you have absolutely nothing else productive to do with your time? and then one by one you pick more and more people up with some of the same stories and some different.. be careful not to mix them up, deary, or you will give yourself away! :) And also regarding rumors: if you hear one, and you don't have the decency to ask before assuming, judging, or spreading the gossip, then you are no friend of mine. And make no mistake, I am fine with that!! :) And if out of the blue someone comes to you saying that someone else is talking behind your back, and you believe the randomness knowing said person would only say this if there was some argument going on.. but you believe it anyways.. then again, when one door closes, another one opens. So long, Farewell.. More room for people that actually matter!

I am perfectly understanding and confident in my decisions to do away with people in my life whether it be face to face interaction or just facebook acquaintances. It does not matter if we have been friends for 25 years or 5 years or 3 months.. Sometimes the best thing to do is let go. That was something I have had a lot of trouble doing in the past. I have come to accept that over the past 6 months. And so far, letting go of some people/things has given me the ultimate freedom from whatever chains had been holding me back. I dont regret letting one person go that I have let go this year.

My self-esteem is way higher than it has ever been. I love my life (now that i have gotten to a place to settle down and my doctors and I have settled my health problems down). You experience bad things and good things in your life. Some people are put into your life to stay, some people are put in to your life temporarily to teach you a lesson. But the one thing i will always be proud of is my sense of honesty and truthfulness. I will fight to the end to stand up for what I believe in, and stand up to protect myself, my family, and my friends. Always.

I pick my friends very carefully. I don't trust many people at all. Over the years your list of "true" friends gets smaller and smaller. I have no doubt in my mind that my three best friends, Shannon, Tena, and Lauren are my most truest friends. All friends have arguments. All friends make mistakes. But true friends love one another no matter what. In life, all you need is your family and your friends and you are the richest person in the world. 

Be rich, my friends!

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